Bachelor in Hotel Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Administration, and Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Consultant in international cooperation projects with GIZ, UNDP, FAO, USAID, IDB in the implementation of Good Practices and Certification of companies, as well as community projects in technical training and organizational strengthening. General Manager and CEO of several companies and organizations, receiving national and international recognition for achievements. Speaker on Business Management, Sustainability, Organizational Relations, Community Tourism, Governance, among others, in Ecuador (various cities and universities), England (WTM), Canada (University of Calgary), United States (Rainforest Experiences, Sustainable Conference), Brazil (Instituto de Desarrollo Murauá), Spain (EUROAL), and Colombia (Medellín, San Gil, and Cartagena). University Professor and accredited facilitator in Labor Competencies.
Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the UNDP Equator Initiative international program. Private sector representative on the Presidential Mission European tour. Author of an academic book on Entrepreneurship and Business Management, reporter, co-author with the University of Oxford – England in the publication for The International Indigenous Policy Journal / University of Ontario, and co-author with Penn State University – USA for the Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Currently holding the position of Executive Director of the Provincial Chamber of Tourism of Galápagos, as well as Organizational Advisor and Speaker.