New Hermandad Marine Reserve Management: Projects related to all aspects of the New Hermandad Marine Reserve, from control, monitoring, and surveillance to effective management and enforcement.
Sustainable Fisheries Initiatives: Supporting sustainable fishing practices, which may include implementing Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) systems for Tuna and "White" Finfish, as well as establishing a Territorial Use Rights for Fishing (TURF) program for the Lobster fishery. This involves comprehensive fishery monitoring and enforcement systems, promoting gear changes (e.g., Green Stick), organizing IFQs and TURF (in collaboration with fishermen), and covering all expenses for implementation.
Environmental Education Projects: Projects related to educational initiatives and community outreach that emphasize the adoption of best practices in conservation and sustainability, with a particular focus on marine-related conservation.
Scientific and Economic Research Projects: Conducting research on various fronts, such as baseline studies for both current and new reserves, setting Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for each fishery, analyzing value chains, and designing monitoring and enforcement systems for reserves and fisheries.
Sustainable Tourism Initiatives: Supporting projects that promote sustainable tourism in the Galápagos, potentially including the conversion of some fishermen to sustainable tourism activities (subject to agreement with the Galápagos National Park), and initiatives that contribute to the archipelago's overall sustainability as a result of tourism.
Other Projects: Backing a range of projects related to conservation and sustainability that align with community interests.
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